tq03g 发表于 2009-8-16 11:38



贴了三张图, 错误百出---波幅比例, 转折起算时间,---- 几乎样样出错,

最基本的--- 什么样的波才能以延长波的起点为支撑? 都在硬凑,

如果连这点都弄不清楚, 就别丢人现眼地发帖子了, 更别论批判了, 自己连半桶水都不到, 别再害人了.

[ 本帖最后由 tq03g 于 2009-8-16 21:07 编辑 ]

kikit 发表于 2009-8-16 11:41


tq03g 发表于 2009-8-16 11:45

继续批判整桶波浪理论家 -------------这个胡说八道帖子,懶得在她帖中回答.

tq03g 发表于 2009-8-16 12:03


bowa 发表于 2009-8-16 12:31


国际股混 发表于 2009-8-16 12:48

*d:1* *d:1*

dshrr1 发表于 2009-8-16 13:05

*d:1* *d:1*

kikit 发表于 2009-8-16 13:09


tq03g 发表于 2009-8-16 13:15

原帖由 kikit 于 2009-8-16 13:09 发表 http://bbs.macd.cn/static/image/common/back.gif
也不必如此, 當成FART 放了吧~~~

国恒铁路 发表于 2009-8-16 13:26


ewp 发表于 2009-8-16 15:27

愈來愈混帳, 騎到MACD頭上了

[ 本帖最后由 ewp 于 2009-8-16 15:31 编辑 ]

ewp 发表于 2009-8-16 15:29


[ 本帖最后由 ewp 于 2009-8-16 15:32 编辑 ]

facailiou 发表于 2009-8-16 15:43


august8 发表于 2009-8-16 16:06


tq03g 发表于 2009-8-16 16:35

原帖由 august8 于 2009-8-16 16:06 发表 http://bbs.macd.cn/static/image/common/back.gif

1. 行情的对错, 常有的事, 但是把ABC硬要说成"引导三角形",

    只能说明国文程度不行,或者书没看懂, 或者根本不看书, 闭门造车, 一派胡言.

2. 地球是圆的, 哈雷彗星的周期与轨迹等等, 都是"观察"后"发现"的,


    之后才把费波南希数字纳入体系, 取名为"自然律", 表示这些是股市"自然"的

    行为,艾略特观察时, 图表精确度有限, 工具有限, 取样有限,

    学识与见识易有限, 还把"曼哈顿"当时有13座大楼, 用来佐证13是个重要数字.

    牵强处林林总总, 不胜枚举.

3. 硬要说波浪理论是艾略特发明的, 贬低普彻特, 贵远贱近, 没有一点科学素养
   与求是的精神, 完全迷信, 那些帖子, 有害无益, 当做笑话无妨, 正规学习,


[ 本帖最后由 tq03g 于 2009-8-16 16:51 编辑 ]

LYONG1974 发表于 2009-8-16 16:41


tq03g 发表于 2009-8-16 17:00

原帖由 LYONG1974 于 2009-8-16 16:41 发表 http://bbs.macd.cn/static/image/common/back.gif



Does the Elliott Wave Principle apply to individual stocks?"
This question is one of the most frequent that readers ask.

To answer it, you have to understand how the Wave Principle works and accept its two basic premises: 1) Markets trends reflect the collective emotions of investors, and 2) Markets are patterned, not random.

Of course, these assertions go against the mainstream investment assumptions which claim precisely the opposite -- that markets are rational, random and therefore rarely predictable. The dominant theory among these is the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). First proposed in the 1960s, it states that the price of a market security is always “efficient” because investors are rational beings. Therefore, prices simply can't ever be too high or too low; they are always “just right.” Which is a comforting thought -- or, rather, it was a comforting thought until the EMH fell flat on its face in the current crisis.

The Wave Principle, on the other hand, says that market prices are inefficient, because they are regularly driven to extremes by mass psychology -- not by reason. Yes, individuals can be quite rational, but groups and crowds are not; they are emotional. In the financial markets -- which are nothing but large crowds buying and selling securities -- mass emotions swing from one extreme to the other, taking over individuals’ rational impulses. Most investors simply end up copying the actions of others, regardless of whether it’s rational to do so.

So when you count waves in your favorite market, you're really counting the turns and trends in the collective optimism and pessimism of people who trade it. And however illogical these swings can get, the good thing is that they occur in recognizable Elliott wave patterns; the Principle describes 13 of them. Once you learn to spot these patterns you can learn to forecast the market's next move -- just like Ralph Nelson Elliott first did back in the 1930s.*

The bigger and more liquid the market you follow, the stronger the influence of the herd psychology will be. That's why the answer to the question "Does the Wave Principle apply to individual stocks?" is always -- "Yes," but with a few caveats.

The main caveat is investor participation. Penny stocks don't have enough players to accurately reflect a true mass psychology, so they will rarely trace out consistent Elliott wave patterns. On the other hand, patterns in large and mid-caps are more often reliable. But even with those, investor participation may not be big enough to overpower outside influences -- e.g., what the competition is doing; government policy; whether the CEO is having personal problems, etc. With a single stock, those are often the decisive factors (besides investors' collective emotions).

How do you apply Elliott to individual stocks, then? Robert Prechter, EWI's president and a recognized Elliott wave authority, gives this simple advice: Avoid trying to analyze each issue on an Elliott basis unless a clear, unmistakable wave pattern unfolds before your eyes and commands attention. Decisive action is best taken only then.

LYONG1974 发表于 2009-8-16 17:03


ewp 发表于 2009-8-16 18:40

:*19*: :*19*: :*19*:

小民说股 发表于 2009-8-16 21:28

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查看完整版本: 批判别人得有点真本事,胡说八道是不行的