xingjw 发表于 2013-5-24 11:00


“When you find that a stock does not seem to work well for you, leave it alone. Quit trading in it, and stick to the ones that favor you. I could explain to you the cause for this, but it is not necessary, and many of you would not believe it.”

It makes no difference whether you know or do not know the reason why a thing works or does not work; just as soon as experience teaches you that there is something that works against you, the only thing to do is quit."  

W. D. Gann, Truth ofthe Stock Tape, p. 75

ghw6501 发表于 2013-5-24 13:42


xingjw 发表于 2013-7-10 15:58

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-8-9 09:50 编辑



乾坤大海 发表于 2013-9-22 17:02


xingjw 发表于 2013-9-23 10:39


11).Go with the tide and not against it. There is a time to buy and a time to sell.

12)."A man has to buy and sell to make a profit, that is, he has to get in right and get out right. Then he must watch for the proper time to start his trade and the proper time to close it. Getting in right does not help you if you fail to get out right. …

13). "When you buy or sell a stock and it does not act right immediately or start to move in your favor within a reasonable length of time, get out of it. … It is much better to take a quick loss of 2, 3, or 5 points than to hold on and hope and eventually take anywhere from a 10 to a 50-point loss. Always remember what Jim Keene said: 'If stocks won't go your way, you must go their way.' Always go with the tide; never buck it. …
13). 当你买入或卖出股票时,如果不能立即确认操作正确,或者未能在合理时间内按照预判的方向开始运动,那就要从交易中退出。2,3或5点快速的损失将远好于坚持和幻想继续持有,以至于最终将从损失10点扩大到50点。永远记住Jim Keene说过的话:“假如股票不按你预测的方式在走,你就必须按照它的方式走”永远跟随潮汐的趋势走,永远不要逆势操作。

14) "The Bible says 'There is a time for everything.'All the laws of Nature teach this. There is a time to sow and a time to reap. The four seasons of the year teach us that there is a reaping time and a sowing time, and that we cannot reverse this order of Nature's laws. Man does not try to grow oranges in Greenland's icy mountains; neither does he expect to cut ice from the tropical rivers in Florida, because it is out of season, time, and place.
14) 圣经说:“万事万物皆有自己的时间”。所有的自然法则都在说明这个道理。播种有时节,收割也有时令。一年四季告诉我们收获有时间,播种亦有时间,我们不可能违反自然法则的秩序。人们不可能在格林兰冰山上种植橙子,也不可能期望在佛罗里达的热带河流里采冰,因为它们的气候不合适,时间和所处的地点都不合适。【注:一切有为法,如梦幻泡影】

15) It is the same with the stock market. There is a time to buy and a time to sell, and when this time occurs, neither bunches of bears nor bevies of bulls with hot air, hope, optimism, extreme pessimism, depression or bad reports, can force prices above or below the zones of Supply and Demand, out of season. You must learn to go with the tide, and not against it. Discern the signs of the times, and do not get caught in the undertow when the tide is flowing out. Those who hesitate and are late in buying or selling in the last stage invariably have to take losses."
15)上面所说的道理和证券市场相同。该买入的时候买入,该卖出的时候卖出。而当这些时机出现的时候,不管是牛市热烈气氛,希望,乐观情绪,还是熊市极度悲观, 沮丧和糟糕的坏消息,都不能迫使价格高于或低于供求关系的范围,或者超出时间周期。你必须学会跟随潮汐的趋势而不是与之对抗。辨别时间周期的迹象,当潮汐的趋势将要结束并开始退潮的时候不要参与其中。在行情的最后阶段里,那些一直犹疑踌躇直到最后才买进或卖出的人们,总是不可避免地将遭受损失

xingjw 发表于 2013-9-23 10:55

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-8-9 09:53 编辑


No.16: The ancient hunters hada rule that when they were searching to locate an aninmal in his hen, they always followed his tracks backwards, figuring that it was the shortest route to his lair. The quickest way for you to learn how to determine future market movements is to study the past.
---GANN 《时间循环预测》1939年8月

No. 17: “没人能够没有做好准备就学会东西,尽管它就摆在人们的眼前,人们也会视而不见。一个化学家可以将他最珍贵的秘密告诉给一个木匠,而这个木匠决不会更聪明地将这个秘密出售给另一个化学家。”

No.18: There is a definite relation between TIME and PRICE. In the previous lessons you have learned about FORMATIONS and RESISTANCE levels around old tops and bottoms. Now, by a study of the TIME PERIODS and TIME CYCLES you will learn why tops and bottoms are formed at certain times and why Resistance levels are so strong at certain times and bottoms and tops hold around them.
---GANN 《时间循环预测》1939年.8月

时间和价格之间存在确定的相互关系。在前面的课程中你们已经学习过了在顶部和底部附近的形态和阻力位。 现在,通过学习时间周期和时间循环,你们将会明白顶部和底部为什么在某些时间形成并且为什么某些顶部和底部附近的阻力位是如此的强大无比。

杜东光 发表于 2013-9-23 11:11


xingjw 发表于 2013-9-23 14:30

Every movement in the market is the result of a natural law and a Cause which exists long before the Effect takes place and can be determined years in advance. The future is but a repetition of the past, as the Bible plainly states:

"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new things under the sun." Eccl. 1:9

Everything moves in cycles as a result of the natural law of action and reaction. By a study of the past, I have discovered what cycles repeat in the future.

xingjw 发表于 2013-9-23 15:04

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-10-24 13:34 编辑

There must always be a major and a minor, a greater and a lesser, a positive and a negative. In order to be accurate in forecasting the future, you must know the major cycles. The most money is made when fast moves and extreme fluctuations occur at the end of major cycles.

I have experimented and compared past markets in order to locate the major and minor cycles and determine what years in the cycles repeat in the future. After years of research and practical tests, I have discovered that the following cycles are the most reliable to use:

xingjw 发表于 2013-9-23 15:07

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-10-24 13:47 编辑


Stocks move in 10-year cycles, which are worked out in 5-year cycles – a 5-year cycle up and a 5-year cycle down. Begin with extreme tops and extreme bottoms to figure all cycles, either major or minor.

Rule1 – A bull campaign generally runs 5 years – 2 years up, 1 year down, and 2years up, completing a 5-year cycle. The end of a 5-year campaign comes in the59th or 60th months. Always watch for the change in the 59th month.

Rule2 – A bear cycle often runs 5 years down – the first move 2 years down, then 1year up, and 2 years down, completing the 5-year down swing.

Rule3 – Bull or bear campaigns seldom run more than 3 to 3 ½ years up or downwithout a move of 3 to 6 months or one year in the opposite direction, exceptat the end of Major Cycles, like 1869 and 1929.

Rule4 – Adding 10 years to any top, it will give you top of the next 10-year cycle,repeating about the same average fluctuations.

xingjw 发表于 2013-9-23 15:10

Rule 5 – Adding 10 years to any bottom, it will give you the bottom of the next 10-year cycle, repeating the same kind of a year and about the same average fluctuations.

Rule 6 – Bear campaigns often run out in 7-year cycles, or 3 years and 4 years from any complete bottom. From any complete bottom of a cycle, first add 3 years to get the next bottom; then add 4 years to that bottom to get the bottom of the 7-year cycle. For example: 1914 bottom – add 3 years, gives 1917, low of panic; then add 4 years to 1917, gives 1921, low of another depression.

Rule 7 – To any final major or minor top, add 3 years to get the next top; then add 3 years to that top, which will give the third top; add 4 years to the third top to get the final top of a 10-year cycle. Sometimes a change in trend from any top occurs before the end of the regular time period, therefore you should begin to watch the 27th, 34th, and 42nd months for a reversal.

Rule 8 – Adding 5 years to any top, it will give the next bottom of a 5-year cycle. In order to get top of the next 5-year cycle, add 5 years to any bottom. For example: 1917 was bottom of a big bear campaign; add 5 years gives 1922, top of a minor bull campaign. Why do I say, "Top of a minor bull campaign?" Because the major bull campaign was due to end in 1929.

1919 was top; adding 5 years to 1919 gives 1924 as a bottom of a 5-year bear cycle. Refer to Rules 1 and 2, which tell you that a bull or bear campaign seldom runs more that 2 to 3 years in the same direction. The bear campaign from 1919 was 2 years down - 1920 and 1921; therefore, we only expect one-year rally in 1922; then two years down – 1923 and 1924 which completes the 5-year bear cycle.

Looking back to 1913 and 1914, you will see that 1923 and 1924 must be bear years to complete the 10-year cycle from the bottoms of 1913-14. Then, note 1917 bottom of a bear year; adding 7 years gives 1924 also as bottom of a bear cycle. Then, adding 5 years to 1924 gives 1929 top of a cycle.

xingjw 发表于 2013-9-23 15:37







红色99 发表于 2013-9-23 16:08


xingjw 发表于 2013-9-25 13:25

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-8-9 09:58 编辑

“The time factor and time periods are most important in determining a change in trend because time can overbalance price, and when the time is up the volume of sales will increase and force prices higher or lower”
(“45 Years In Wall Street”, 1941, page 10).

“Time is the most important factor of all and not until sufficient time has expired does any big move start up or down.The time factor will overbalance both space and volume. When time is up, space movement will start and large volume will begin, either up or down. At the end of any important movement - monthly, weekly or daily - Time must be allowed for accumulation or distribution or for buying and selling to be completed”
(“How To Make Profits In Commodities”, 1951,page 56).

xingjw 发表于 2013-10-1 19:49

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-8-9 09:59 编辑

"No man can learn what he has not preparation for learning, however near to his eyes is the object. A chemist may tell his most precious secrets to a carpenter, and he shall be never the wiser-the secrets he would not utter to a chemist for an estate."-Emerson.--"Truth Of The Stock Tape"

“没人能够没有做好准备就能够学会东西,尽管它就摆在人们的眼前,人们也会视而不见。一个化学家可以将他最珍贵的秘密告诉给一个木匠,而这个木匠决不会更聪明地将这个秘密出售给另一个化学家。”-爱默生。 《股市行情的真谛》

nicoyu 发表于 2013-10-3 16:02


xingjw 发表于 2013-10-10 13:17


For example:
When a stock sells at 50 on the 180th day, week or month, it is on the degree ofits time angle. On February 1, 1915, U.S. Steel made a low at 38$, which is closestto a price of 37 .5$, which is 3/8 of 100 and equals 135° angle. On February25, 1915, U.S. Steel was 14 years or 168 months old, and hit the angle of 135°,which showed that U.S. Steel was behind time, but that it was in a strongposition, holding at 38 above the 135°angle or the price of 37.5.
当 一个股票的价格在第180天,周或月的价格是50$时,这个价格就正好位于它的时间角度线之上。在1915年2月1日,美国钢铁创出一个低点38$,收盘 价极为接近37-1/2$,它是100的3/8,也等于135°角度。1915年2月25日距离美国钢铁上市14周年或168个月,这个时间角度已超过了 135°角,说明美国钢铁的价格滞后于时间, 但是它却处在135°角之上的强势位置38$处或37-1/2$价格之上获得支撑。[注:168个月转换成价格是100*(168 /360)=46.7$, 实际的市场价格只有38$,因此江恩说美国钢铁的价格落后于时间的角度。]

When Steel reached 200$, it equaled 2 circles of 360 degree.When itadvanced to 261.75$, it was closest to 62.5 in the third 100 or nearest the225°angle or 5/8 point, which is the strongest angle after it crossed thehalf-way point at 250$ or 180°angle.
美国钢铁穿过了相当于2个360°圆的200$的位置。当其上涨至261.75$时,最接近第三个100中的62.5,或者说也最靠近225°角,或 者圆的八分之五点。225°角是穿过1/2位置即180°之后的最强角度。262.5$或者225°角是美国钢铁穿过250美元的半路点或者180度角度线后最强大的角度。

xingjw 发表于 2013-10-10 13:17

Master Timing Angles

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-5-17 22:56 编辑

Under the instructions for the Master Timing Angles, you will find how far each timing angle had moved from the time that Steel was incorporated up to the time it made extreme top.
在一个主宰的时间角度指引下,你将会找出每一个时间角度从美国钢铁开始成立到它形成极端顶部的位置有多远。[注:美国钢铁成立于1901.2.25; 1907年10月低点价格$21.875; 1915年2月25日,14周年,形成了一个月线的低点38$; 1929年9月份的高点$261.75;]

Study these time angles, and you will see what happens when each of time angles reach 24,36,48,60,72,84,90,120,135,157-1/2,180,210,225,240,270,300,315,330,345 and 360 months, the equivalent of 360 degree.

Under the Master Timing Angles we also show you what happens when timing angles (these refer to the planets order in the solar system) #5,#6, #7, #8, #9 cross the other timing angles (conjunct) or cross the place where they first were when Steel was incorporated (natal astrology) or to the same place when any extreme high or low price is reached.在这个主宰的时间角度下,我也可以展现给你,当时间角度(这些角度可以查阅行星在太阳系的位置来确定顺序)#5,#6,#7,#8,#9(木,土,天,海,冥)穿越其他(行星)的时间角度(交会)或者穿过美国钢铁成立开始时它所在的哪个位置(出生星盘),或者穿越历史上重要的高低点曾经出现的位置时,新的极端高低点就会出现。

xingjw 发表于 2013-10-10 13:18

You will learn when these Master Timing Angles returns to the same place or to the same angle or degree from which they started. Therefore you will know the exact measurements of cycles according to moving energy. The instructions on the Master Timing Angles give you the cause of all market movements and they can be worked out ahead as far as the year 2000.

The figures which we will use are figures made by the United States Government astronomers and are therefore absolutely accurate. A careful study of all these figures and a comparison of the movements of various stocks will convince you of their value.

xingjw 发表于 2013-10-12 16:07

本帖最后由 xingjw 于 2016-8-9 10:02 编辑


You will always make money by following the main trend of stocks up or down. Remember that stocks are never too high or buy as long as the trend is up and they are never too low to sell as long as the trend is down.

Never sell short just because the stock is high or because you think it is too high. Never sell out and take profits just because the price is high. Buy and sell according to definite rules and not on hope, fear or guesswork. Never buy a stock just because the stock is low. There is usually a good reason why it is low and it can go lower.
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