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发表于 2003-10-18 10:26 |


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  The Mysterious Origins of the W. D. Gann’s Square Of Nine


By W. Bradstreet Stewart

作者   威.  布拉德斯特里特. 斯图尔特

The Square of Nine is undoubtedly the most mysterious and popular of W. D. Gann’s financial market calculators. There is something about this strange number wheel.

9方图无庸质疑的是江恩金融市场计算方面最受欢迎最神秘的工具。这里介绍一些有关这个神秘数字轮的 事情。

One wonders what it is about this spiral number chart that so peaks everyone’s interest. Is it simply the promise of great fortune for decoding the secret calculator of a legendary market master? Or is there something more subtle, something mysterious, ancient, and unknown that resonates deeper in the being of those intrigued by this chart?


It is said that Gann discovered the Square of Nine in India, a story that has not been verified, but would not be surprising since the Square of Nine may be found all over India. In Hindu temples throughout the land, there are small 5 x 5 squares (the inner square of the Square of 9) next to the doorways.

传说江恩是在印度的时候发现了9方图,这个传说没有确实的证据,但是请不要惊讶,你可以在印度随手 就能找到9方图,在印度的寺庙的地板上,门口有小型的5X5 方形(9方图的内方是5X5方),

This leads us to an ancient Vedic diagram called the Parmasayika Grid (Figure 1). In this diagram a lotus grows out of the naval of the cosmic man, at the exact center of the grid. This lotus is “Brahma” the universal vital principle, extending itself out through the lotus blossom into the multi-dimensional grid of the manifesting universe.

这就带领我们面对一张叫做“Parmasayika Grid”的远古印度的图表,见附图一。在这张图表的中心有一 个莲花生长成一个宇宙人,这个莲花就是梵语中的“Brahma”意思是说一个普遍的至关宇宙的法则,这个 人通过莲化的生长壮大而使自己和包绕自己的格子不断壮大和伸展,使他自己能够到多维空间去,以充满 全部的宇宙。

Since vegetable growth, along with all life, extends itself in spiral motion, it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer, just as price and time do on Gann’s calculators. As the lotus grows, it progresses from the greater deities at the center to the lesser deities at the outer edge, the deities representing in the sacred tradition, universal laws and principles by which all that is born and exists in manifest space-time is governed. See Figure 1.


This universal vital principle, “Brahma”, which comes forth from the center as the lotus flower extending itself into 3 dimensional space-time, is pure consciousness projecting itself into form according to mathematical relationships and harmonies. This projection can take on individual and physical form like a tree or a person, or it can be a group form like a business, a school or even an essentially non-physical thought form like a financial market.


That group form is composed of all of the thought, work, energy and activity of any kind that is connected with that particular pattern of form. Hence, soybeans and charts of soybean behavior are graphical representation of the conglomerate of thought energy about soybeans


In The Hindu Temple, Stella Kramrisch presents the ground plan for Hindu temples since ancient Vedic times, called the Vastupurusamandala (Figure 2), again our Square of 9, defining it as, “the place for the meeting and marriage of heaven and earth, where the whole world is present in terms of measure, and is accessible to man…” She explains that its essential form is a square which, “can be converted into a triangle, a hexagon, octagon and circle of equal area and retain its symbolism…”

在印度的寺庙里,Stella Kramrisch介绍了远古时期印度寺庙的平面图,被叫做“Vastupurusamandala” (见图2),在这张图上我们再一次看到9方图,它被称做“天与地相会与交合的地方,就人们容易理解和 观测的角度而言,这里几乎可以展现出全世界”她解释说:“它本质的形状就是个正方形,它可以换算成 一个三角形,一个六边形,一个八角形,以及一个同它面积相等的并保留了它的象征和符号的圆”

Sounds strikingly similar to Gann’s Coffee Rio, Hexagon, and 360 Degree Charts. She further explains that, “the Vastu of 64 squares is meant for the construction of shrines and for worship by Brahmanas, and the Vastu of 81 squares is for the construction of other buildings and for worship on behalf of kings.” Here with the 8 x 8 square, we discover Gann’s Squareof 4, the inner square of the Square of 8, as the alternative to the Square of 9, perhaps giving us an explanation for Gann’s use of 8 x 8 grid paper for his charts.

引人注意的相似的声音也来自江恩的咖啡期货分析图,六边形图,360度圆形图。她更进一步的解释说: “Vastu的64方图所指的是神庙的解释和对“Brahmanas”的崇拜,而81方图是对其他的建筑物的解释和对 国王的崇拜”。这里出现一个8X8的图,我们发现了江恩4的方图,它是8方图的内方,是作为9方图进行排 列的可供选择使用的图形形状,这也许就为我们解释了,为什么江恩在画9方图时总是使用8X8的格纸

Kramrisch continues, “the square of the Vastupurusamandala is divided into small squares and in diagonals…their points of intersection are the vital parts and tender spots (marma) of the site…these must not be hurt or interfered with…”, Gann’s familiar crosses forming the “hot spots” on the Square of 9. See Figure 2.

Kramrisch接着说道:“Vastupurusamandala的方形可以被对角线分割成小的方形,它们的交叉点就是哪个生命有关的柔软的区域,这里绝对不能被伤害或者被打扰” 江恩的被人所熟知的交叉线构成了在9方图 上热点,见图2

However, we may still wonder what exactly these sensitive “marma” points are measuring; how is this “marriage of heaven and earth” quantified? An ancient Hindu architectural text dedicates its wisdom, “for the pleasure of the astronomers and astrologers, as it has been transmitted from Brahma to our days through an unbroken series of sages. Building is begun under favorable stars. They are consulted when the ground is taken possession of and when the rite of depositing the Germ of the temple is performed. The regents of the planets and the stars have their allocation in the diagram of the temple and their images are carved on its walls. By them are regulated the measurement of the whole building and its parts; the life of the donor, and the age of the temple too. The temple is built in the likeness of the universe and is its reduced image.”

然而,我们更想知道的是怎样去精确的测量这些敏感的“marma”点,怎么把这个所谓“天地交合”的点 进行量化?一本远古印度的建筑学书籍体现了这种智慧:“作为天文学家和占星家的乐趣和荣幸,是作为 连续的完美的圣人把来自宇宙最高最神圣的实体和精神传播到我们每天的生活中来,建筑开工要在有利的 星体状态下。他们要考虑什么时候去拥有土地以及寺庙的落成仪式应该在那一天举行最好。有控制力的行 星和星体被安置在寺庙的图表里,而它们的图象也被刻在墙上。通过这些星体来控制和调节整座建筑和它 的组成部分的尺寸,捐献人的生命,寺庙的寿命也同样就被控制和调节了。寺庙被构建的和宇宙非常近似 甚至就是宇宙的翻版。”

Growth within the builder’s grid ensues from a specific point of birth, and exactly at the point when the seed is germinated and growth initiated, the planets and stars are carved into their positions on the walls of the grid. On the walls of Gann’s grid we find the 360 ° circle of the zodiac, marking the motions of the planets and stars, and the birth point is likewise an essential key for Gann, for it is the beginning point of the number count in the square, and essential for casting a proper natal chart.


The Square of 9 is an instrument which calculates the mathematical measure of the growth of a form from a germination point, and correlates the motion or growth of that form with the astronomical and astrological influences governing it, allowing the analyst to read the stages of and influences upon the development of the Stupa, lotus, form or market.


Daniel Ferrera in his new course, said clearly that the Square of 9 as a mathematical and astronomical calculator. He also points out that the Square of 9 is not to be perceived in only its two-dimensional perspective, but as a pyramid, spiraling from the center around and down to the outer ring at the base of the pyramid.


Manifest form projects itself into the three dimensions of space and time in the form of a three-dimensional conic, not a two-dimensional spiral. Therefore we should perceive the growth of our form taking on extension in the Z-plane forming a vortex, whirlpool, or conic spiral as it rotates through the mathematical grid of planetary and stellar influences.


India is not the only ancient civilization to have possessed this subtle wisdom. Again, in Ancient Egypt we find the same design built into the ground plan of the Great Pyramid, probably the oldest surviving structure on Earth, dated by recent research to perhaps earlier than 10,000 B.C.E., and theorized by some to be the last remnant of the legendary Atlantis.


Of the importance of the Square of 8 and 9 grid relationship, Schwaller says, “These two lengths, 8 and 9, are related to musical harmony. This is the tone in music and also the ratio between the diameter of a disk and the side of a square of the same surface area. The sum of 8 and 9 is 17, the famous number of Jabir [the famous Arabic alchemist of the 8th century C.E.]. It is associated with 28 and is the key number for the “balance” (mizan,measure of balance).”

对8方图和9方图的重要关系,古埃及考古学家,金字塔研究专家史沃乐先生说:“这两个长度,8和9,和 音律和谐规律是相关联的,它们是音乐中的调和与增强,也是一个圆的直径和等面积直角方形的边长的比率。8和9的和等于17,它是一个著名的阿拉伯术士在公元8世纪所使用的一个著名的数字。它是和28结合 在一起的,是一个测量平衡状态时的关键性数字。

“As Above, So Below.” Is it surprising, then, that a diagram of such importance to the ancients is to be found applicable to the modern financial markets? Obviously the ancients chose this design as the basis for their most holy and magnificent achievements for an important purpose. We see in both the Egyptian and Vedic traditions that the Square of Nine has, since the beginning of time, been used as a measure of the relationship between man and cosmos.

“ As Above, So Below.” 这句话字面意思令人不解,但是从远古时代遗迹上发现的这句话是否对于当 代的金融市场同样重要呢? 远古时代的人在它们神圣和华丽的建筑基础上选择刻上这么一句话,应该是 明显的有重要的意图的。我们在古代埃及和古代印度的传统9方图上都能找到这句话,自从有时间记载的年代开始,这句话就用来度量人和宇宙之间的关系。

文章中一些带引号的 单词 是古代梵文




 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-18 10:27 |

发表于 2003-10-18 11:16 |



 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-18 21:52 |
空头翻译整理   www.coolbyway.com



第七章 交易者基本素质


Patience is a virtue, especially in the stock market. Acquire it if you can. You must have patience to wait for the right opportunity to come, and not be overanxious and get in too soon. Once you buy or sell a stock and it starts moving in your favor, you must have patience to hold it until there is a good reason or sufficient cause for closing the trade. Never close a trade just because you have a profit; do not become impatient and get out for no real reason. Every act, either in opening or closing a trade, must have a sound basic cause behind it. Hopes and fears must be eliminated. There is no use selling a stock because you fear it is going down, nor buying it because you hope it is going up. Look at your charts and see which way the trend points and follow it. If no definite trend is shown, use patience and wait.



Nerve is just as essential as patience; in fact, nerve is the equal of capital. In getting my experience, I have been broke over 40 times, I have lost all of my money, but there never has been a time yet when I lost my nerve. Years ago, when I was experimenting and working on methods for forecasting the market, I would get in the market wrong and lose all my working capital, but I never let it get my "goat." I studied very carefully how I made the mistake and what the cause of the loss was. In this way, I profited by every mistake and loss, and was enabled to perfect my method of forecasting and trading so that I could make a success.
Looking backward brings nothing but regrets. I always believe in facing the future with nerve and hope. But let the nerve and the hope be based on some sound principle that will prevent costly mistakes of the past. During my career I have seen many traders who had made one mistake after another and suffered severe losses, and still had some capital to work with but when an opportunity appeared, they lacked the nerve to act. In cases of this kind, the nerve would have been more valuable than capital.



In the early part of my career I made some great success, and what might be called lucky strikes. I made a lot of money easily and then I spent or lost it easily. But I did not give up or lose my nerve. I always figured that I was a better man after each reverse, because I had acquired experience. Experience is the only school to learn in and the burnt child is the one who knows the pain from having put his fingers in the fire. Mistakes are all right and hard to avoid. They are good for us, because if we profit by them, they prove valuable. But it is wrong to make the same mistake the second time. Therefore, use every mistake as a stepping stone to progress; analyze each mistake you make and the cause of every loss, in order to avoid repeating the same error in future. With each experience I had, good or bad, I accumulated knowledge, and after all, knowledge is the greatest power of all, for capital will always come to knowledge.




Good health is essential to success in any line. It is one of the great assets for success in the speculative market. At least twice a year a man should close up all of his trades, get entirely out of the market, and go away for a vacation or stay away from the market and rest up. Let your mind rest and your judgment get clear. The man who continually sticks to any business too long without a rest or change gets his judgment warped. He gets in a rut and sees things from a one-sided point of view. When you are in the market on either side, it is but human nature for you to hope that it will go your way, and you, therefore, give greater weight to any event that seems to indicate a favorable move to your side. When you are out of the market, you are able to see things as they really are, and judge the market without a distorted view, with hope and fear eliminated. Traders who are continually in the market day in and day out and never allow any time to elapse between trades, sooner or later lose all their money



I know one trader who follows scientific forecasting and makes a success. He never makes more than five or six trades in the year. If he buys stocks during the winter or early spring for a rise, and the advance materializes as he expected, he sells out and takes his profits. Then he leaves the market alone, sometimes for several months. In the summer, if he sees indications of a bull or a bear market starting, he gets in again, and if the market moves his way, he may follow it up and pyramid for several months. When he gets an indication that the end is near, he closes up his trades, takes his profits, and like the wild geese, wends his way to the sunny South. Sometimes he stays all winter in Florida, hunting and fishing; then goes over to Hot Springs, Arkansas, takes a course of baths; returns to Wall Street in good health and fit for another tilt with the Bulls and Bears.


He makes a specialty of trading in certain favorite stocks. He studies them closely and watches for certain signs that he considers almost infallible. When these signs come, he acts. He does not hurry until the time comes, but when it does, there is no hesitation -- he buys or sells. He keeps cool, calm and collected, and waits for the time to open or close a trade. Another thing he never does is to expect any fixed amount of profits or set any specific time for getting out. I have often seen him make a trade and it would go against him. He would get out and say, "Well, I guess I'll go back to my office and watch them for awhile." Sometimes it would be days or weeks before he made another trade, but when he did, it was based on some good sound reason, and 90 per cent of the time the second trade proved a winner. But suppose he had held the first trade he made and hoped it would move his way. His judgment, being biased, would have become more unreliable all the time. There is nothing like being out of the market and looking them over from an impartial viewpoint. When there is no definite trend, stay out, watch and wait, and your patience will be rewarded.


----W. D. Gann, Truth of the Stock Tape, pp. 22-25




发表于 2003-10-19 10:13 |




 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-20 10:00 |

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