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发表于 2007-10-21 16:06 |


来自:MACD论坛(bbs.macd.cn) 作者:govyvy 浏览:1956 回复:1


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Kerio Personal Firewall 4.3.246 - Review

Kerio Personal Firewall is favourite personal firewall for many users. The graphical interface and user features are simply perfect. The sad fact is that from the view of its security desing Kerio is just a cute packet filter and not a personal firewall as its vendor (and its name) claims. It is more like 'A Hacker's Best Friend'. We can hardly imagine a personal firewall with worse level of security.



Tested version

We were given a licence for Kerio Personal Firewall for one year for the purpose of our analysis from its vendor. We were testing version but then Sunbelt Software released a new version 4.3.246 so we revisited our results and continued the analysis with the new one. Sunbelt also offers free version of Kerio Personal Firewall which misses some features of paid version. Sunbelt acquired Kerio Personal Firewall from Kerio Technologies Inc. in December 2005. More information is available on the website of the former vendor. Since then, only minor changes were made in the Kerio Personal Firewall.



Installation and initialization

The first impression of Kerio was very good. The very easy installation process finished very quickly. The user is asked only one important question during the installation - whether to choose a simple or advance mode. If advanced mode is selected the firewall is installed to the learning mode. Otherwise it said to be installed into 'no popup mode'. The installation wizard is well-developed but we missed a chance to set a password to protect Kerio settings. However, the user is able to set the password in the configuration panel after the installation. When the installation is complete Kerio initializes its database. The whole installation process was pleasant, quick, easy and trouble-free and that is why Kerio Personal Firewall received no penalty for the installation process. After the installation process the system must be restarted as it is common with the most of security software. Immediately after the reboot Kerio recognizes network interfaces and asks user whether they are trusted or not. As we installed Kerio into learning mode, we had to allow some basic actions of common system programs too. We were pleased that default settings of Kerio are defined well for common use.



Hardware requirements

Kerio Personal Firewall is too heavy for a personal firewall software because it reduces the computer performance for about 27% and uses over 17 MB RAM. On the other side, its 13 MB on the hard disk is not so much and we had no problems with the performance during common work. We were not testing web filtering feature at all and thus we can not comment its performance which was discussed frequently by users of Kerio in the past. However, the changelog of the latest version mentions performance improvements when web filtering is enabled.



Common behaviour and control

Kerio offers a quick tray icon with an access to configuration panel and two basic features - disabling the firewall protection and stopping all network traffic. The configuration panel is well aranged and good-looking. It is easy to change settings, configure the rules and view logs in it and it is possible to block all the network activity with one click from this panel too. The user is also given a chance to save settings and load them later or to use settings from older versions. Nevertheless, we were not able to clearly identify the switch to so called 'no popup mode' which was offered during the installation. We have tried to install Kerio once again to see the differences between 'no popup mode' and 'advanced mode' and we found that the only difference there was disabled Application Behaviour Blocking which we consider as a must for all users. Another problem was with the localization. We have tried non-English environments too but they are full of English and translations appear rarely on the screen. This is why we give 95% in Easy of use classification to Kerio Personal Firewall.





All the hopes died when it came to the analysis of the security and security design of Kerio. If we say that Kerio Personal Firewall implements no security at all we would not be far from the truth. The security design of Kerio is useless. The functionality of Kerio is not much better than the functionality of common packet filter. Except the packet filter none of its security components works as it should. Malware can bypass all the protection of Kerio easily. As you can see in the bug list below the number of bugs we found during our first phase analysis is not that big. It is not because there are missing many important features in the security design of Kerio and thus they can not be buggy. We have solved this unexpected situation by setting the unique penalty of these design bugs to very high values such that they are greater than possible sums of penalties of bugs in these features if they were implemented. The majority of bugs we found are critical bugs. The security of Kerio Personal Firewall was not tested against modern malware techniques if tested at all. We do not think there might be a worse personal firewall from the security point of view than Kerio Personal Firewall 4.3.246. We strongly recommend all its users to change the personal firewall. You can see public information about Kerio's bugs in the following sections below.


随着对Kerio防火墙应用安全性以及设计安全性的分析不断深入,我们对它的表现由期待变成失望。说Kerio个人防火墙的安全表现一无是处其实是一点也不过分的。Kerio的安全设置只是虚有其表,作为防火墙来说,Kerio的功能表现并不比一般的数据包过滤程序强多少,除了它的数据包过滤功能外,Kerio的其他安全组件并没有象我们想像的那样运作,恶意软件轻而易举的就可以突破Kerio的所有防护,一如您在下面的Bug清单看到的那样,已经比我们第一轮测试所显示的数量多得多。并不是因为在Kerio的安全设计时遗漏了很多重要的安全性指标影响了这些组件的正常运作,为了验证这个比较意外的情况,我们调高了由于设计Bug造成的特殊性后果的参数,然而其数量还是远大于(即便在安全设计中缺失的指标得以修复并正常运作的条件下产生的)可能的不良后果的总和。我们发现的都是关键性的Bug。如果真的进行考验,Kerio的安全性不足以应付采用如今的恶意软件技术。从安全的角度看,我们认为Kerio个人防火墙(V4.3.246)的防护性是最糟糕的,所以强烈建议使用者进行更换。在下面的部分你将可以浏览到关于Kerio Bug的公开信息。

Open public bugs

The following list contains open bugs that are public. This means that a full name, description, testing method and testing program is available for every bug in the list. The list is sorted by the bug penalty, the higher penalty means the more dangerous the bug is.



Fake 'iphlpapi' DLL injection 伪装成'iphlpapi'的Dll导入
Risk:Critical bugs (关键性Bug)

Multiple insufficient argument validation of hooked SSDT function Vulnerability(钓鱼漏洞)
Risk: Serious bugs (严重性Bug)

Open private bugs

The following list contains open bugs that are private. This means that their names, descriptions, testing methods and testing programs are not available for free. The following list is sorted by the bug penalty, the higher penalty means the more dangerous bug.



BUG00009P001SK                 BUG00011P001SK
Risk:Critical bugs 关键性Bug             Risk:Critical bugs关键性Bug

BUG00013P001SK                 BUG00014P001SK
Risk:Critical bugs 关键性Bug             Risk:Minor bugs小Bug

BUG00005P001SK                 BUG00004P001SK
Risk:Critical bugs关键性Bug             Risk:Critical bugs关键性Bug

BUG00006P001SK                 BUG00007P001SK
Risk:Critical bugs关键性Bug             Risk:Critical bugs关键性Bug

BUG00008P001SK                 BUG00001P001SK
Risk:Critical bugs关键性Bug             Risk:Serious bugs关键性Bug

Fixed bugs

The following list contains fixed bugs. This means that these bugs were fixed by the vendor and that there exists a new version of the reviewed product where these bugs do not appear or there exists a patch for the bug for the reviewed version of the product.



Kerio Terminating 'kpf4ss.exe' using internal runtime error Vulnerability(程序调用中止错误漏洞)
Risk:Critical bug关键性Bugs


[ 本帖最后由 govyvy 于 2007-10-21 16:16 编辑 ]

签到天数: 42 天

 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-21 16:11 |

[ 本帖最后由 govyvy 于 2007-10-21 16:30 编辑 ]
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