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[大盘交流] 反抽完 开杀 目标1720


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发表于 2008-12-3 00:30 |

反抽完 开杀 目标1720

来自:MACD论坛(bbs.macd.cn) 作者:rwq888 浏览:2506 回复:3


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- Market timing will come to be viewed as the best approach to investing in stocks, although investing in stocks in the first place will be considered foolhardy.
“Buy and hold” will be denounced as a flawed and foolish approach to the stock market.
- The demographic argument for a continued boom fueled by baby boomer spending and retirement savings will be transformed (somewhere near the bottom of the decline) into an argument that the same portion of the population will be responsible for a continued bust.
- Many of the governments and corporate entities that have been bailed out by the US government and the IMF over the course of the last 34 years will fail again, along with new ones.
-许多国家政府和企业实体,已保释外出,美国政府和国际货币基金组织的过程中,过去3 4年将再次失败,加上新的定居点。
The IMF, World Bank, the Fed and other financing entities will not bail them out.
- The IMF, World Bank and the United Nations will be shut down.
- Existing high-yield “junk” bonds will fall to zero, and new ones will no longer be issued.
- After a period of exclusively derisive and negative popular allusions to the stock market, references to stocks in non-financial settings will become all but non-existent.
- Countless difficulties attending the above events will occur.
- Bearish speculators will make a lot of money, and safety-minded investors will see their purchasing power rise.
The Economy
- Affordable housing will become difficult to come by.
Family members will move in with each other.
Homelessness will increase.
- China will have a severe economic setback along with the rest of the world, but it will be a “wave 2,” from which the country will emerge as the economic leader of the world.
-中国将有一个严重的经济衰退以及世界其他地方的,但将是一个“波2 ” ,从该国将成为经济领袖的世界。

- Suspicion or hatred of foreigners will increase around the globe.
- Nations will tend away from liberal, representative governments and toward dictatorships.
- The Drug War will turn more violent.
Eventually, possession and sale of recreational drugs will be decriminalized.
- Government will ration goods and services in which it is or becomes involved (such as gasoline, vaccines, medical care, electricity, water, food, etc.).
-政府将配给的货物和服务它是或成为参与(如汽油,疫苗,医疗,电力,水,食物等) 。
- International travel will be restricted, whether by statute or dangerous conditions.
- The US and state governments will finish their takeover and demolition of the medical industry.
- Third parties will gain political clout and win local elections.
Libertarians, greens and others will capture many local offices and probably at least one state government.
- At least one of the two major parties will disappear or re-form.

Other Social Trends
- Areas of cities will become dangerous places in which street gangs “rule” some neighborhoods.
- The number of Broadway shows will fall dramatically.
- Disney will close its NYC theater productions, and Times Square will become X-rated again.
- Well-off people will adopt fashions that conceal rather than accentuate their wealth.
- Gangsters, pirates and other outlaws will become popular folk heroes.
- Entertainment media will feature fewer heroes and more anti-heroes.
- The Olympic Games will be cancelled at least once, if not terminated altogether.
- Organized labor will grow and become more active.
The number and severity of strikes will rise.
- Many amusement parks will close.
- The number of coffee shops in the United States will decline substantially.
- Per capita consumption of alcohol and other depressants will increase.
- Public art, such as sculptures and murals, will become ponderous and ugly.
- One or more of the sciences will go through a “paradigm shift.”
-一个或多个科学会经过一个“模式转变。 ”
- Terrible secret activities that we could not even imagine will take place, some to be revealed only years or decades later.
(It was revealed decades later that the US government – allegedly for the greater good – conducted syphilis experiments on citizens beginning in 1932, the year that the Supercycle wave (IV) bear market bottomed. It was revealed only last week [October 2003] that from 1939 to 1941, in the final years of the Cycle wave II bear market, Nazi Germany – allegedly for the greater good – systematically killed hospital patients to unburden the state and “cleanse the gene pool.”)
(据调查20年后,美国政府-据说是更大的好事-进行梅毒试验的公民在1 9 32年开始,今年的S u percycle波(四)熊市谷底。据悉,仅在上周[2 0 03年1 0月]的1939年至1941年,在最后几年的周期波二熊市,纳粹德国-据说是更大的好事-系统造成医院的病人,以摅国家和“清洗基因库” 。 )
发表于 2008-12-3 00:44 |
发表于 2008-12-3 12:37 |
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-4 14:15 |
B之a 今天走完了
开杀 散多的日子
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