查看: 5424|回复: 12


发表于 2003-9-16 18:01 |


来自:MACD论坛(bbs.macd.cn) 作者:pluto 浏览:5424 回复:12


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发表于 2003-9-18 01:48 |

my opinion on SVM

Support Vector Machines(SVMs) are superiror to neural networks in the sense that they have a global minimum solution once C (regulation parameter) and kernel parameters are given. So overtraining and early stopping etc is no problem for SVM. However, optimal values for these hyperparameters still rely on user's choice, although some model selection techniques can apply. You can use SVM for both regression and classification.
Stock trends, a kind of time-series data,  are qutie stochastic and instable. Noise does exist among the main trends are is not negligible. No matther how nice the tools you have, the prediction capability is quite limited and even in doubt.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-18 07:31 |

to eagle

May i share your opinion on ANN?
If ANN can work well on stock market forecast,why SVR or SVM not?
In fact,i've been working for a few month  and really have got some progress on this.
发表于 2003-9-18 14:52 |
actually SVM can replace ANN in my opinion.
i don't know how do you use SVM in your application. what's the target you are trying to predict? the extent of advance/decline ( regression) or whether advance or decline(classification) ? what is the raw data? (index or individual shares) do you perform preprocessing on the raw data(de-noise, calculate technical indicators etc)? how do you evaluate the performance? you know, the model trained for one year may lose significant predictive power in another year? you might do some kind of these tests to have a better general idea. i understand this is quite a time-consuming task.
发表于 2003-9-24 16:03 |
发表于 2003-9-27 13:26 |
有没有网站介绍.  听着不错.
发表于 2003-10-17 11:54 |
发表于 2003-10-23 20:02 |
著名神经网络软件DEEPINSIGHT,能够较为精确的 给出中国股票买卖时机,有家大陆著名软件实际就是DEEPINSIGHT的变种。

签到天数: 1 天

发表于 2003-11-7 09:34 |
Originally posted by pluto但我用支持向量机预测股市大盘走势,效果却没有预料的好,我想主要是输入选的不很合适,请指点。

SVM forms a quadratic problem so that it has a global optimum solution. But this is not the global optimum solution for the real problem.

For your situation, most likely you are over fitting data. You might want to reduce the vectors used in SVM until the training results similar to the results from un-seen validation data.
发表于 2004-11-8 16:38 |
Originally posted by piggreatpig at 2003-10-23 20:02
著名神经网络软件DEEPINSIGHT,能够较为精确的 给出中国股票买卖时机,有家大陆著名软件实际就是DEEPINSIGHT的变种。

发表于 2006-1-9 10:09 |
发表于 2006-1-13 09:38 |
发表于 2006-1-15 09:02 |
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