Under the instructions for the Master Timing Angles, you will find how far each timing angle had moved from the time that Steel was incorporated up to the time it made extreme top.
在一个主宰的时间角度指引下,你将会找出每一个时间角度从美国钢铁开始成立到它形成极端顶部的位置有多远。[注:美国钢铁成立于1901.2.25; 1907年10月低点价格$21.875; 1915年2月25日,14周年,形成了一个月线的低点38$; 1929年9月份的高点$261.75;]
Study these time angles, and you will see what happens when each of time angles reach 24,36,48,60,72,84,90,120,135,157-1/2,180,210,225,240,270,300,315,330,345 and 360 months, the equivalent of 360 degree.
Under the Master Timing Angles we also show you what happens when timing angles (these refer to the planets order in the solar system) #5,#6, #7, #8, #9 cross the other timing angles (conjunct) or cross the place where they first were when Steel was incorporated (natal astrology) or to the same place when any extreme high or low price is reached. 在这个主宰的时间角度下,我也可以展现给你,当时间角度#5,#6,#7,#8,#9(木,土,天,海,冥)穿越其它的时间角度(会合)或者穿过美国钢铁成立开始时它所在的哪个位置(出生星盘),或者穿越历史上重要的高低点曾经出现的位置时,新的极端高低点就会出现。