============ *************** =========================== 我也来凑一脚 1. 有一天你解决cause(或本源)问题, 大约就可以看到江隐秘深处的奇景(参考置顶帖stockding那帖) 2. 11句中有一句说的是"波动法则"的奇景,也许一生只要研究通那句就,那怕是5年, 10年或20年的事 3. 一个价格!
一个空间估测理念+ cause(或本源) 4. 一个价格!
一个时间估测理念 + cause(或本源) 5. 祝福你有一天能看到那景 6. 87楼说的是时间角, 这是为何至今世人读不通"时间背后的因素" ============ *************** =========================== =1..... "The thing that hath been, it is that whichshall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is nonew things under the sun." Eccl. 1:9 “已有的事,后必再有。已行的事,后必再行。阳光下并无新鲜事。”-《圣经-传道书1:9》。 “已发生的,还将发生;已做的,还将做;同一个太阳下,没有新的东西。” (空中隧道)
= 2..... "That which has been is now and thatwhich is to be hath already been." (空中隧道)
“过去即是现在,现在的过去已有。” = 3..... I Asked Mr. Gann: "What Is The ((CAUSE)) Behind the TimeFactor?"
He smiled and said: "It has taken me twentyyears of exhaustive study to learn the ((CAUSE)) (成因) that produces ((EFFECT)) (结果) according to time. (时间背后的因素---CAUSE)
江接受Investment TickerDigest 杂志专访文(波动法则原始文), 1909,时年约三十, 在专文中提到:
= 4..... Thus,I affirm every class of phenomena,whether in nature or on the stock market,must be subject to the universal law of causationand harmony. Every ((EFFECT))musthave an adequate ((CAUSE))(根源或成因). "If we wish to avert failure in speculation we must deal with ((CAUSE)). (Ticker Digest 专访文--- CAUSE)
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 江发表"空中隧道"一书,1927时年50,在书中几段文提到:
= 5..... In making my calculations on the stock market, or any future event, Iget the past history and find out what cycle we are in and then predict thecurve for the future, which is a repetition of past market movements. The greatlaw of vibration is based on like producing like. Like ((causes)) produce like ((effects)).( 空中隧道--- CAUSE)
我预测股票市场或任何未来事件的方法是重视其历史,并努力发现我们正处在什么样的循环中,据此指出其未来的轨迹,未来不过是市场运动的再现。 我预测股票市场或任何未来事件的方法是重视其历史,并努力发现我们正处在什么样的循环中,据此指出其未来的轨迹,未来不过是市场运动的再现。伟大的波动法 则就是建立在波的相似性原理上。即,相近的原因产生相近的结果。
= 6..... "How do I forecast future cycles?" you may ask. In order toforecast future cycles, the most important thing is to begin right, for if wehave the right beginning, we will get the right ending. If we hnow the ((causes)) of the effect, then there can be nodoubt about predicting the future event or ((effects)).( 空中隧道--- CAUSE)
= 7..... I have always looked for ((causes)) andwhen once I determine a ((causes)) I can always be sure of the event orfuture ((effects)) which Ipredict. IT IS NOT MY AIM TO EXPLAIN THE ((CAUSE)) OF CYCLES. The general public is not yetready for it and probably would not understand or believe it if I explain it. (时间背后的因素--- CAUSE)
我总是在寻找事件的原因,一旦我确认了原因,我就可以肯定我预测未来事件的结果。可是,我并不想解释循环的原因。即使我做出解释,一般大众也并不会接受,不能理解,不会相信。 我总是在寻找事件的原因,一旦我确认了原因,我就可以肯定我预测未来事件的结果{effect}。可是,我并不想解释循环的原因。即使我做出解释,一般大众也并不会接受,不能理解,不会相信。
= 8..... Every movement in the market is the result of annatural law and a Cause whichexists long before the Effect takes place and can be determined years in advance. The future is but arepetition of the past, as the Bible plainly states:
市场中的每一个运动都是自然法则和早已长期存在原因导致的结果,可以提前许多年被确定。未来只不过是过去的重复,正如《圣经》明白指出过的:( 空中隧道--- CAUSE)
空中隧道 = 9..... My calculations are based on the cycletheory and on mathematical sequences. History repeats itself. That is what Ihave always contended, --that in order to know and predict the future ofanything you only have to look up what has happened in the past and get a correctbase or starting point. ( 空中隧道--- acorrect base)
我的计算是以循环理论和数学方程为基础的。历史将会重现。这就是我反复强调的观点——预知未来,你必须先要知道过去曾经发生过什么,并且站在一个正确的起点上。 我的计算(测)是以循环理论和数学方程为基础的。历史将会重现。这就是我反复强调的观点——预知未来,你必须先要知道过去曾经发生过什么,并且站在一个正确的起点上。 =10..... It is just as easy to figure 100 years or 1000 years in the future asone or two years ahead, if you have the correct starting point and know thecycle which is going to be repeated. ( 空中隧道--- the correct starting point)
=如果你站在正确的起点上,又知道再现历史的那种循环,那么预测100年甚至1000年将会同预测1年或者2年一样简单。 = 11..... There is no top andbottom price which cannot be determined by mathematics. Every market movement is the result of a Cause andwhen once you determine the Cause, it is easy enough to know why the Effect is as it is. (教材--- Cause)