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发表于 2016-5-22 02:12 | 显示全部楼层


来自:MACD论坛(bbs.macd.cn) 作者:gerade 浏览:19959 回复:5


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本帖最后由 gerade 于 2016-5-22 22:28 编辑


The “Sell in May and go away” mantra appeared prevalent in world equity markets last week. Of course, the exodus from stocks was further fueled by a chorus of Federal Reserve Board governors suggesting that a rate hike in June is a possibility. We would also like to remind readers that Mercury and Mars and still retrograde, and the mutable T-square between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune is getting very tight, which means readers might also want to remember our mantra: “Don’t believe anything you read, hear, or see under the Incredible Spring Lineup of Geocosmic Signatures.”

It was exactly one year ago, on May 19, 2015, that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) made its all-time high of 18,351. Within the following three months, it plunged over 16%, to a low of 15,370 on August 24, 2015, a powerful three-star geocosmic critical reversal time period (CRD) described at the time. It tested that low two more times, on January 20 and February 11, 2016, before embarking on another spectacular rally to form a double top to the all-time at 18,167 on April 20, within orb of MMA’s last three-star critical reversal date. Since that time, the DJIA has started another decline. So far the low has been 17,311, recorded last Thursday. May 19, as Mercury nears the end of this retrograde motion (May 22) and the Sun enters Gemini (May 20). That’s a decline of 856 points, which seems like a lot, but is actually less than a 5% drop.
正是一年前,2015年5月19日,琼斯工业平均指数(DJIA)到达其历史高点18351。在接下来的三个月,它下跌超过16%,在2015年8月24日跌至15370低点,当时我们描述了一个强大的三星级宇宙的关键反转时间(CRD)。在踏上另一个壮观的反弹直至在 4月20日到达历史高点18167形成双顶之前,道指在2016年1月20日和2月11日两次测试了低点,并落在MMA的上次三星级的关键反转日期的容许度中。自那时以来,道指已经开始下降。到目前为止在上周四,低点为17311。5月19日,水星逆行接近结束(5月22日),同时太阳将进入双子座(5月20日)。此此下跌856点,这似乎是很多,但实际上跌幅是不到5%。

Other world equity markets did not fare nearly as well on the previous rally as the DJIA. Germany’s DAX index, for instance, only rallied to a high of 10,474 on April 21, well below its all-time high of 12,390 one year earlier. The Japanese Nikkei could only get back to 17,613 on April 25. Its high in mid-2015 was 20,952. However, they did not suffer so much on last week’s decline as the American markets did. Their central banks gave no indication of a possible rate hike, either, as did the U.S. central bank.
其他全球股市几乎没有经历和道琼斯工业平均指数一样的上次反弹。例如,德国DAX指数仅反弹至4月21日的10474高点,远低于其一年前的历史高位12,390。日本日经指数 4月25日只能回到17613。其2015年中期高点是20952。然而,他们并没有像美国市场一样遭受上周的那么猛烈的下跌。这些国家的央行没有就像美国的中央银行给出一个可能的加息指示。

The flood of Fed officials suggesting a rate hike spooked the currency and precious metals markets last week as well. Gold had made a 15-month double top at 1306 on May 2, just two trading days after Mercury turned retrograde (its high 15 months ago was 1307.80, also very near to a Mercury retrograde). It was trying to challenge this level again as it rallied to 1290 on Monday, May 16. However, the flood of hawkish Fed officials commenting on the possibility of a rate hike dropped it all the way down to 1244 by Thursday, May 19. Silver also dropped sharply on those announcements, from a high of 18.06 on May 2 to 16.35 on May 19, with most of the decline starting on Wednesday, May 18. Directly related to that was the sudden rally in the Dollar and sharp decline in foreign currencies against the U.S. Dollar, like other Japanese Yen and Euro.


Come senators, congressmen,
please heed the call
don't stand in the doorway,
don't block the hall,
for he that' gets hurt
will be he who has stalled,
there's a battle
outside and it's ragin'
it'll soon shake your windows
and rattle your walls
for the times they are a-changin'
    - 鲍勃·迪伦, 1964 在上次天王星和冥王星相合的容许度内, 哥伦比亚(Columbia)唱片公司

Last week was another bizarre but typical week in financial markets, per Mercury retrograde. The Trickster kept coming up with new and unexpected announcements, especially from banking leaders, but also a major shift in the political arena. Donald Trump suddenly has momentum and in a FOX news poll last week, has overtaken of Hillary Clinton, 45-41% as the preferred choice of likely voters for the USA Presidency. Trump also scored lower disapproval numbers (unfavorables) than her for the first time. What has happened? Of course, this is a FOX news poll, which tends to be friendlier to conservatives. The New York Times/CBS poll, which is friendlier to the liberal cause, still shows Hillary leading, 47-41%. Yet even that difference has closed dramatically from the high double digit spread of its prior polls. She is not closing out this primary race with Bernie Sanders in championship form. Two weeks ago, everyone was talking about the fractured Republican Party. Last week they began talking about the fracture suddenly arising in the Democratic Party. This is so typical of Mercury retrograde, compounded by Mars retrograde at the same time, and both within the highly charged mutable T-square. This suggests that people are fickle, tending to change positions abruptly, which means nothing stands still, and reality today is but an illusion. No one really knows what is going on, but everyone now senses that something very significant is unfolding in societies everywhere, and not just in the USA.
对于水星逆行,上周金融市场是一个奇怪的,但典型的一周。“骗子”不停地推出新的,意想不到的公告,尤其是银行的领导人,而且在政治舞台上的一个重大转变。唐纳德·特朗普突然迎来了契机,在上周FOX新闻民意调查显示,已超越希拉里·克林顿,美国总统选举中可能选民的首选比例为45%对41%。特朗普首次获得比希拉里更低的反对票数。发生了什么?当然,这只是一个福克斯新闻调查,这往往对保守派更友好。对民主党更友好的纽约时报/ CBS民调仍显示希拉里领先,47%对41%。然而,即使这种差异已经从先前调查的两位数的差距变得显着的接近了。希拉里已经无法像胜出伯尼·桑德斯一样结束这场竞技。两周前,每个人都在谈论分裂的共和党。上周,他们开始谈论分裂忽然在民主党内发生。这是非常典型水星逆行,同时由于火星逆行而加剧,两者都是在高能力的变动T三角期间发生。这表明人是善变的,会突然改变立场,并意味着没有什么会一成不变,今天的现实只是一种错觉。没人知道是怎么回事,但现在每个人都感觉到,重要的事情正在在社会中四处展开,而不仅仅是在美国。

We can go back to 2008, when the Cardinal Climax of 2008-2015 began. A tremendous world-wide political shift started. In the USA, the first African-American president was elected, which stunned the world, but offered much “Hope and Change,” which Americans hungered for. Obama promised to fundamentally transform the USA government, and that he did, although not in the unified way he campaigned would happen. And this led to another major shift in politics, when the Tea Party arose out of nowhere and gave control of the House to the Republicans.
我们可以回到2008年,当时的2008 - 2015年的本位高峰开始。一个巨大的世界各地的政治转变开始了。在美国,第一位非洲裔总统当选,这震惊了世界,但提供了美国人一直渴望的很多“希望和改变”。奥巴马承诺从根本上改变美国​​政府,而他做到了,虽然没有以他在竞选许诺的方式发生。这导致了政治上的另一个重大转变,当茶党出现从不知道哪儿冒出来时,共和党人获得了众议院的控制权。

The year after that, the Occupy Wall Street Movement gained influence, and the pendulum swung back to Obama, who won a second term in 2012. But right after that, series of scandals erupted in the Administration (Benghazi, IRS, Health Care broken promises), and the Republicans took the mid-term elections again, gaining control of not just the House, but also the Senate. And then came ISIS and the Russia-Ukraine annexation, followed by the massive refugee crisis and migration disaster that now threatens the European Union, as Europe starts to make a sharp turn to the right, as noted in both France and Austria, with Germany slowly starting its turn too, not to mention Great Britain and its approach to “Brexit.” All of that was conceived under the Cardinal Climax, when Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto entered cardinal signs, forming a potent T-square with one another for the first time since 1928-1934.

What we are witnessing today are the consequences of the actions and decisions made then. That is the nature of Pluto. It sees a need or reform, for transformation, and it starts the process. However, the consequences are not known or seen right away, for Pluto has an “incubation” character. The seeds are sown under Pluto aspects, but they don’t sprout until a few years after Pluto passes out of its orb of influence in aspect to other planets, like Saturn and Uranus.

We can also look to the mid to late 1960’s as another parallel. That is when the Uranus/Pluto conjunction took place (1965-1966). Its first quarter square (first phase) took place in 2012-2015. Like 1965-1966, when the seeds of discontent (anti-establishment) were sown, it took two years later, in 1968, for the real ugly part of that principle (aspect) to manifest (the assassination of Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, and the riots at the 1968 democratic convention in Chicago).

The rise of terrorism and urban violence (anti-police) in 2012-2015 under Uranus square Pluto, is manifesting in a very nasty (but entertaining) presidential election season here in the USA, much like 1968. Episodes of violence have begun to erupt with supporters and dissenters of both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, the two “out of the box” candidates running on the issue that Washington (government) is corrupt. Both conventions now fear violent protests this summer, in Cleveland (Republicans) and Philadelphia (Democrats).
在天王星刑冥王星的时间段,恐怖主义和城市暴力(反警察)在2012 - 2015年的抬头,正在美国以丑陋(但有趣)的方式在总统选举季节发生。如1968年一样,暴力章节开始在唐纳德·特朗普和伯尼·桑德斯的支持者和反对者之间爆发,他们两都是“现成的”指责华盛顿(政府)有腐败问题的竞选人。两党现在担心今年夏天会在克利夫兰(共和党)和费城(民主党)发生暴力抗议活动。

People around the world are wondering, “What is happening to America?” Americans are wondering “What has happened to our political system?” The same phenomenon occurred in 1968. Astrologers (both Mundane and Financial) are thinking: “Isn’t this about what we expected under these aspects?” Under Saturn square Neptune, didn’t we anticipate something like a “Crooked Hillary?” Under Uranus still within aspect of its square to Pluto, didn’t we expect someone like a “Cannonball Donald?”
世界各地的人们在猜测,“美国发生了什么?”,美国人在想“我们的政治制度发生了什么?”。同样的现象在1968年发生。占星家(包括世俗和金融)都在思考:“这不正是,我们预期会在这样的相位下发生的吗?。当土星和海王星相刑,我们能不能预见比如”歪瓜希拉里“这样的事情?当天王星人在它和冥王星相刑的相位内,我们可以预见到像”炮弹唐纳德? “这样的人吗?

With the Mutable T-square in effect into September, we can expect more sudden and bizarre changes. It is possible to conceive of a third party candidate by then.

As far as shorter-term aspects and their relationship to mundane events and financial markets, we note a full Moon takes place May 22, along with Mercury turning retrograde. We note the full Moon this weekend is with Mars, which probably accounts for the possibility of a terrorist act in the crash of the Egyptian airliner on Thursday, May 19. We also note that on May 26, Jupiter makes its third and final passage in waning square to Saturn, followed by the second Saturn Neptune waning square that takes place June 17. This all relevant to Crude Oil prices.

We furthermore note that the stock market topped out April 20-25, very close to the time that Mars turned retrograde. It turns direct on June 29. Any market that made an important trend change around the time of the retrograde, is a candidate to continue that counter-trend move until Mars turns direct. These are all matters that will be covered in our June 5, mid-year, world-wide webinar. It will be an important one because, “The times, they are a changin’.”

参与人数 1奖励 +8 热心 +3 时间 理由
xshijie + 8 + 3 2016-5-22 11:44 感谢分享^_^



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发表于 2016-5-22 23:38 | 显示全部楼层
别去翻译了 ,浪费时间,所谓的大师就是写的让人看不懂!

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-23 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
qq154029 发表于 2016-5-22 23:38
别去翻译了 ,浪费时间,所谓的大师就是写的让人看不懂!


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